ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/3/28(木)-関連記事-“ビキニ事件”から70年

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/3/28(木)-関連記事-“ビキニ事件”から70年
Ceremony marks 70 years since hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll
Friday, March 1, 12:31
A ceremony in the Marshall Islands has marked 70 years since a US hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

Many islanders and crewmembers of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru from the central Japanese city of Yaizu and fishing boats from Kochi Prefecture, southwestern Japan, were exposed to radiation when the test was conducted on March 1, 1954.

A number of Japanese, including a relative of a crewmember from Kochi, attended the event in the capital, Majuro, on Friday. They called for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
金曜日に首都マジュロで行われたイベントには、高知出身の乗組員の親族を含む多くの日本人が出席した。 彼らは核兵器の廃絶を求めた。

A representative of the islanders who were forced to relocate from Bikini Atoll said in a speech that their sacrifice and suffering must never be forgotten. Some people wiped tears from their eyes.
ビキニ環礁から強制移住させられた島民の代表は、彼らの犠牲と苦しみを決して忘れてはならないと演説した。 目から涙をぬぐった人もいた。

Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine pledged to continue negotiations to seek compensation from the US government. She said moving forward means squarely facing the damage caused to people in the past, present and future, as well as to the environment.
マーシャル諸島のヒルダ・ハイネ大統領は、米国政府に補償を求める交渉を継続すると約束した。 彼女は、前進するということは、過去、現在、未来において人々や環境に与えられる被害に真正面から向き合うことを意味すると語った。

The United States conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands through 1958.

Islanders who were exposed to radiation are suffering from health problems. Residents who had been forced to relocate and have not been able to return to their homeland are calling for compensation and support.
放射線にさらされた島民は健康上の問題に苦しんでいる。 強制移住を強いられ、故郷に戻れない住民らは補償や支援を求めている。

Shimomoto Setsuko traveled from Japan to attend the ceremony for the first time. Her father was on one of the vessels and died of cancer.
下元節子さんは日本から初めて式典に出席した。 彼女の父親はその船に乗っており、癌で亡くなりました。

Shimomoto said she was glad to take part in the event. She added that she wants to share her anger at nuclear tests with other Japanese people.
下元さん「イベントに参加できてよかった」と話した。 彼女は、核実験に対する怒りを他の日本人と共有したいと付け加えた。


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