ラジオ英会話 24/4/26(金) L20 今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/4/26(金) L20 今週のReview
(ow for the final lesson of April, the review session. Let’s do our best.)
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome back. It’s time for the review.
That’s right everyone. It’s time to bring it together with the review. I’m David Evans.
L20 今週のReview
-Listening Challenge!
OK guys, here is the question. Q1). Why do Aki and Brendan always avoid meat on Fridays?

-Say It in English
1 あなたは人気観光地となっているお寺の警備員。拝観ルートから離れた観光客が、寺務所に間違って入ろうとしています。 注意してください。
(You are a security guard at a temple that has become a popular tourist attraction. A tourist who has strayed from the worship route is trying to enter the temple office by mistake. Please be careful.)

(Hello. You must not enter here. This area is off limits. If you don’t know the way, go to that building over there. You will get a map. )

2 自分の英語力に自信をなくしていた友人が、英語学習に目覚めました。「いい英語学習番組はない?」 と聞かれたあなたは、 「ラジオ英会話」をすすめます。
(A friend of mine, who had lost confidence in his English ability, turned to English learning. You ask him, “Are there any good English learning programs?” You recommend “Radio English Conversation.)

「『ラジオ英会話』って聞いたことがある? それは私がこれまでやってみた中で、いちばんいい番組です。 聞きながら練習を続けてごらん、 そうすればいつの間にか英語が上達します」

(Have you ever heard of Radio English? It’s the best program I’ve ever tried. Keep listening and practicing, and before you know it, your English will improve.)

Hey guys, I assure that Radio Eikaiwa will improve our listener’s English?
(Well, the powerful answer is back. We hope to see you next month.
That’s all for today.)


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