ラジオ英会話 23/11/24(金) L155 今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 23/11/24(金) L155 今週のReview
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday’s review.
And I’m David Evans. I’m excited for today’s review. Are you?

-Listening Challenge! -Mon.
OK guys, here is the question. Q1). What does Caspar want to do?
a). Get another figure.
b). Know the value of his figure.
c). Give his figure to Ms. Kizawa for free.
Here we go.

OK. Q2). What will the two people do after this conversation?
a). Fry some food.
b). Put on their space suites.
c). Control an air leak.
Listen up.

It’s not a big deal. は覚えていましたね (Lesson 154)。
The important thing is to -, (重要なのは~すること)も学習済み (Lesson 153)
as long as -,「~するかぎり」
get there 「そこに到着する→目標を達成する」
besides 「さらにその上」

Hey, guys. Do you go drinking on a stormy day?
Not me. It’s the perfect excuse to stay home and relax by myself.
But sometimes those stormy days offer rare opportunities for interesting connections.
What kind of connections?
Like meeting interesting people.
(I see, but it seems like it’s better not to go out when it’s windy and rainy. So, that’s it for today.)


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