ラジオ英会話 23/11/22(水)L153 発言タイプ: 重要 ①重要です

ラジオ英会話 23/11/22(水)L153 発言タイプ: 重要 ①重要です
The important thing is to continue. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s jump right in.
The important thing is to continue.
不動産営業部員のバーバラがスポーツジムでトレーニングしていると、そこにバーバラ行きつけのインド料理レストランの店主、 ディーパクがやってきます。
(Barbara, a real estate sales representative, is training at the gym when Deepak, the owner of an Indian restaurant that Barbara frequents, comes by.)

-Words & Phrases
What a coincidence!
for years
get into shape 体調を整える

surprise, surprised, surprising
interest, interested, interesting
excite, excited, exciting
thrill, thrilled, thrilling

OK guys, are you ready to practice?
All right. The pressure point for these is the adjective, so I want you to lean into those words. OK? Let’s practice. 〔困難・強敵など〕に立ち向かう lean into –
It’s vital to do that.
It’s essential to do that.
It’s crucial to do that.
It’s very important to do that.
Let’s continue.
Doing that is of great importance.
Doing that is of key importance.
Doing that is of vital importance.
Doing that is of the utmost importance.
Doing that is of utmost importance.
Good work so far. Let’s keep going.
It is Important that you remain calm.
It is imperative that you remain calm.


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