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基礎英語2 24/7/26(金)W4-D5焚き火を囲んで8/30

基礎英語2 24/7/26(金)W4-D5焚き火を囲んで焚き火を囲んで
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.

July Week4 – 焚き火を囲んで焚き火を囲んで Day5
This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week, then answer each question in English.
-Day 1 Mon.
Here is the question.
Q1). Why are they called “s’mores”?

OK. Let’s check the answer. The question was
Q1). Why are they called “s’mores”?
The answer is

-Day 2 Tue.
Q2). What is Ayumu scared of?

-Friday Special 英語お悩み相談
(I am worried if my English is improving. I am not sure if I am improving.)
Some listeners are worried about if their English has improved.
Well, I would say, as long as you’re practicing, your English is getting better. I think speaking is the most important part. Listeners. If you saw me on the street tomorrow, what would you say to me?
毎日練習していればきっと上達しているはずです。(If you practice every day, you will surely improve.)
「話すことが大切です。」とアニャが言ってました。(It’s important that we talk.” Anya said.)
自信が持てないと感じているあなた、この番組で覚えた単語や表現を何か言ってみて下さい。完全に正しくなくていいですよ。身に付いた単語や表現が必ずあるはずです。それこそが上達の証です。(If you are feeling unsure, try saying some of the words and expressions you learned in this program. It doesn’t have to be completely correct. There should be words and expressions that you have learned. That is the proof of your progress.)
そして、アプリを使って過去の放送をもう一度聞いてみて下さい。初めて聞いたときよりも分かる所が間違いなくリスニング力も上達していますよ。焦らず半歩ずつ進みましょう。(Then use the app to listen to the past broadcasts again. You will definitely find that your listening ability has improved to the point where you can understand more than the first time you heard it. Don’t be in a hurry and take it half a step at a time.)


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