ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/4/24(水) -関連記事-東京で“ライドシェア”始まる

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/4/24(水) -関連記事-東京で“ライドシェア”始まる

Japan launches ride-hailing services in Tokyo, other areas to follow
日本、東京でライドヘイリングサービス開始 他の地域も追随へ
KYODO NEWS KYODO NEWS – Apr 8, 2024 – 12:58 | All, Japan

Japan on Monday launched ride-hailing services in Tokyo, with other areas across the country to follow suit in a bid to address a nationwide shortage of taxi drivers.

The country partially lifted a ban on the services earlier this month, allowing drivers with a standard license to offer taxi services on specified days and hours using their own private vehicle, provided they are under the management of a local tax company.

The Tokyo Hire-Taxi Association, one of the operators involved in the project, held a ceremony to commemorate the launch, demonstrating how drivers use a dedicated smartphone app to receive dispatch requests and to input health-related data concerning their fitness to drive.


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