ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/3/27(水)-関連記事-五ノ井里奈さんに“世界の勇気ある女性賞”

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/3/27(水)-関連記事-五ノ井里奈さんに“世界の勇気ある女性賞”
US honors Japanese woman for fighting sexual abuse
Tuesday, March 5, 8:24

Officials at the US State Department have recognized a Japanese woman who spoke up against sexual harassment. They honored Gonoi Rina and 11 other recipients of the International Women of Courage Award in a ceremony on Monday at the White House. They praised her for shining a light on what they call “an otherwise taboo subject in traditional Japanese society.”
米国国務省当局者は、セクハラに対して声を上げた日本人女性を認めた。 月曜日にホワイトハウスで行われた授賞式で、五野井里奈氏と他の11人の国際勇気女性賞受賞者が表彰された。 彼らは、彼女が「伝統的な日本社会ではタブーとされていたテーマ」と呼ぶものに光を当てたとして賞賛した。
Gonoi was serving in the Ground Self Defense Force in 2021 when three sergeants sexually assaulted her at a training facility. She filed a complaint, but her superiors dismissed it.
五野井さんは2021年に陸上自衛隊に勤務していた際、訓練施設で3人の陸曹から性的暴行を受けた。 彼女は苦情を申し立てたが、上司はそれを却下した。
Gonoi resigned, took the men to court and, in December, won her case. She also revealed she had endured other abuse during her service and inspired more than 100 other SDF members to step forward to say they, too, were victims. Her actions sparked an internal investigation.
五野井さんは辞任し、男性らを裁判に起こし、12月に勝訴した。 彼女はまた、勤務中に他の虐待にも耐えていたことを明らかにし、他の100人以上の自衛隊員に自分たちも被害者であると名乗り出るよう促した。 彼女の行動は内部調査を引き起こした。

Gonoi wore a judo uniform to the ceremony. She has practiced the sport since she was a girl and says it has helped her to “stand up and be strong” no matter how many times she has been thrown down.
五ノ井さんは柔道着を着て式典に出席した。 彼女は少女の頃からこのスポーツを続けており、何度投げ飛ばされても「立ち上がって強くなる」のに役立ってきたと語る。

Other women who were recognized include a lawyer from Afghanistan, a human rights activist from Belarus, and a journalist from Uganda.
First Lady Jill Biden praised them for speaking out for themselves and for others, in the face of fear, risk and “those who have tried to steal” their voices away.



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