英会話 time trial24/1/17(水) Day8まず、濡れた傘はこの袋に入れます

英会話 time trial24/1/17(水) Day8 まず、濡れた傘はこの袋に入れます
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 8 for the month of January.
Thanks for joining us.
(Learn to ask and tell your child about rules such as where things should be kept.)
So we talk about the proper place for things.
(For example, should I put my umbrella here? How would you express it?)
(I’ll show you a simple technique.)
-Let’s begin with our first time trial.

1. スーツケースはここに置きます。
もしかして、 We put suitcases here. もしくは Just put suitcases here. put を使いましたか?
(That is also correct, but there is a technique that can be expressed more simply.)
go を使うこと
Suitcases go here.
go + 場所」
2. スーツケースはそこには置きません。
don’t go
3). How do you say ベビーカー in English?
You could say baby stroller. But just stroller.
4. ベビーカーはどこに置きますか?
Where do -?
6. How do you say ペットボトル in English?
plastic bottle


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