英会話 feel English 24/1/24(水) L155 if you want

英会話 feel English 24/1/24(水) L155 if you want
if you want を返事のあとにつけるだけで、かなり広範囲のキモチが表せます。
-Feel English! 1
相手の要望に 「したいならどうぞ」と返事をするときの … if you want.
Emily and Paul are hanging out at their usual cafe. Emily suddenly remembers she has some grocery shopping to do.
(In the evening, Emily and Paul are relaxing at their usual cafe. It looks like Emily is going shopping at the supermarket.)

Oh, I have to go to the supermarket. I’m cooking tonight.
Can I come with you?
Sure, if you want.

Sure, if you want.

エミリーが「夕食を作るためにスーパーマーケットに行く」と言います。ポールが「一緒に行ってもいい?」と頼むと、エミリーは (Emily says, “I’m going to the supermarket to make dinner.” When Paul asked, “Can I come with you?” Emily said,)
if you want を使って「一緒に来たければ来てもいいよ」というキモチを伝えます。
(This phrase is used to respond to someone else’s wishes or desires by saying, “If you want to, go ahead.”)

Can I have the bones?
Yeah, if you want.


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