ラジオ英会話 24/3/29(金)L240今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/3/29(金)L240今週のReview
Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday’s review.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy today’s review as much as ever.

Week 4 L240 今週のReview
-Listening Challenge! -Mon.
Okay, guys. Here’s the question.
Q1). What does Dad think?
A: Roxy should sleep more.
B: Health is more important than money.
C: Roxy needs to make more money.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
1 あなたはプレゼンテーション研修の講師。 研修で、アイコンタクトや時間管理に難があるプレゼンテーションを今聞き終えました。 コメントしてください。(You are a presentation training instructor. I just finished listening to a presentation in training where I had difficulty with eye contact and time management. Please comment.)

(Your presentation was good, but I feel that more attention needs to be paid to basic presentation skills such as body language and time management. But I feel that more attention needs to be paid to basic presentation skills such as body language and time management.)

2. 同僚の自宅でのパーティー。 帰るあなたを同僚の妻が見送ります。 別れのあいさつをしてください。
(A party at a co-worker’s home. Your colleague’s wife will see you off as you leave. Please say goodbye.)


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