ラジオ英会話 24/3/15(金)L230今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/3/15(金)L230今週のReview
Hey, everyone. Welcome back. It’s Friday. Thanks for joining us. This is Akino roza.
It’s the review. Hi, I’m David Evans.
-Listening Challenge! -Mon.
Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q1). Where does the woman think Zaytox may be?
a). In a concrete building.
b). In a familiar place.
c). In Japan.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
1 ボーイフレンドから電話があり、 車を買ったそうです。 その話を聞いてあなたは、彼にお金を貸していることを思い出しました。 催促してください。(Your boyfriend calls you and tells you he just bought a car. The story reminded you that you owe him money. You urge him to do so.)

(Really? That’s great! I can’t wait to see it! Oh, and while we’re on the subject of cars, please return the money I loaned you when you bought your last car.)

2 リサのデートの誘いを断ったあなた。 どうやらそのあとリサは大泣き。同僚が「謝ったら?」 と言ってきます。 返答してください。 (You refuse Lisa’s invitation for a date. Apparently, Lisa cried a lot afterwards. Your colleague says, “Why don’t you apologize?” You apologize to her and she says “I’m sorry. You reply.)

(Wait a minute! It’s not my fault. She asked me out on a date and I said no. You know I’m engaged, right? You know I’m engaged, right? What else am I supposed to do? )

Hey, David. Have you ever borrowed money from a girlfriend?
Ah, thankfully no, but… Oh! I actually borrowed money from a girlfriend just once.



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