基礎英語2 24/3/28(木)W4-D4- 12 Years Later Day4

基礎英語2 24/3/28(木)W4-D4- 12 Years Later Day4
I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

March Week4 – 12 Years Later Day4
シンガポールの屋台で、 4人で食事をしながら話をしています。
(Four people are eating and talking at a food stall in Singapore.)

-First Listen. Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
(What is Kenta’s occupation?)

Q). What is Kenta’s occupation?
A). It is a sushi chef.

-Words & Phrases
It’s kind of like you. なにか君に似ているよね
make… aware of – ~に~を気づかせる
around the world 世界中で
field 分野
wedding reception 結婚披露宴
as well

-Second Listen. Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 What languages does Kenta speak when he makes sushi?
2 What will Kenta do at the wedding reception?


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