基礎英語2 24/4/19(金) W3-D5 いよいよ学校へ!

基礎英語2 24/4/19(金) W3-D5 いよいよ学校へ!
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.

April Week3 いよいよ学校へ! Day5
This week’s review. This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week, then answer each question in English.
-Day 1 Here is the question.
Q1). According to her horoscope, will Shiori make some new friends soon?

-Day 2
Q2). Why did Miguel say, “You are a queen” to Reina?

-Day 3
Q3). Does Ayumu like to write his own songs?

-Day 4
Q4). What will happen when Geminis clean their rooms?

Aries おひつじ座
Taurus おうし座
Gemini ふたご座
Cancer かに座
Leo しし座
Virgo おとめ座
Libra てんびん座
Scorpio さそり座
Sagittarius 射手座
Capricorn 山羊座
Aquarius みずがめ座
Pisces うお座


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