英会話仙人トモヤさん / 60秒後に人生が終わる

英会話仙人トモヤさん / 60秒後に人生が終わる

So, two years ago, I got this tatoo,
and it says 60 seconds.
And I’m gonna tell you why I got it.
It’s because someone asked me a question.
and I didn’t like the answer.
They said, “Lauren, what would you do
if you found out that you
only had 60 seconds left to live?”
Would you have any regrets about your life?
Would you wish that you had done anything different?
And I said, “Yes.”
Even though that question is scary
it’s important to ask because
you don’t want to get to the end of
your life, whenever that might be
and regret not chasing
that dream of yours,
regret not telling that person that you love them.
You don’t wanna have any regrets, right?
Life is short, and it is fleeting.
Stop wasting it pretending
to be someone you’re not.
Stop wasting it being scared.
and not living your life to the fullest.
Because if you only had 60 seconds left
there’s no going back.

They said, “Lauren, what would you do
what wuld you do? あなたならどうする?
if you found out that you
only had 60 seconds left to live?”
find out 気がつく、見出す
left 名詞 残った〜 形容詞??
Even though that question is scary
even though -, 〜であるけれども、にもかかわらず
scary 怖い 
you don’t want to get to the end of
get to -, 〜に到達する
and regret not chasing
chase 〜を追う、追い詰める
Life is short, and it is fleeting.
Stop wasting it pretending
waste 無駄にする、浪費す
pretend ふりをする、まねをする
and not living your life to the fullest.
live life to the fullest 充実した人生を送る
there’s no going back.
go back 戻る、元へ戻る


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