英会話仙人トモヤさん 2023/4/29 なんで女性は浮気するの?

英会話仙人トモヤさん 2023/4/29 なんで女性は浮気するの?

Why do women cheat?
Oh my gosh. That is the best question that I’ve heard all day. Why do you think women cheat before I go?
I’m asking you.
I’m asking you.
See, that’s why we’re doing an interview.
OKay. I wanna know not only why do women cheat, but why do men cheat? I will tell you shy. It’s because people are searching for love, and they’re looking in the wrong places. And actually, I’m here to tell you that only true love is found in Jesus. And no one should cheat on anyone. But the problem is we’re all broken. And we’re all separated from God. But God didn’t want that separation, and that’s why he sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. And Jesus bridged the gap between you and true love. And you don’t have to cheat. No one has to cheat because we have the best love. And no one can take it away from us. And so yeah, if you guys don’t have Jesus in your heart. all you have to do is say, “Jesus
, I asked you to come into my heart, be my Lord, give me this love that I need, make me right, let me know what true love is. And I’l telling you, you’ll never be the same. It’ll be the best decision of your life. It was for me. That’s why I say it. Ten years ago, I was suicidal, I didn’t want to live. I didn’t have love. I felt cheated of all love, and, you know, I found real love. And that’s what I’m here to tell you about today, so I love you guys.

Why do women cheat?
cheat 浮気する
That is the best question that I’ve heard all day.
all day 一日中、終日
Why do you think women cheat before I go?
go 言う
I’m here to tell you that only true love is found in Jesus.
 I’m here to -. 〜をしに来た
And we’re all separated from God.
separate from -, 〜離れる、〜と分かれる
And Jesus bridged the gap between you and true love.
bridge 〜に橋をかける
And no one can take it away from us.
take it away from, take from 奪い去る
give me this love that I need, make me right,
right 正しい、正確さ
Ten years ago, I was suicidal,
suicidal 自殺願望のある


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