英会話仙人トモヤさん / Taylor Swift テイラースウィフトがSee You Againを熱唱

英会話仙人トモヤさん / Taylor Swift
テイラースウィフトがSee You Againを熱唱

It’s been a long day.
without you, my friend
And I’ll tell you all about it
when I see you again.
We’ve come a long way
from where we began
And I’ll tell you all about it
when I see you again.
when I see you again.

when I see you again.
At the end of our performance
there was a hug that lasted
for, like, four years.
And I just remember thinking like, “I just
I just don’t want this hug to end.
Wiz Khalifa, Houston Texas
Look at things in a better place

It’s been a long day.
a long day 長い一日
We’ve come a long way
come a long way 大きな進歩を遂げる、長い距離をはるばる来る
At the end of our performance
at the end of -, 〜の終わりに
there was a hug that lasted
hug 抱擁
last 続く


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