Nas Daily / Where people divorce the most?!

Nas Daily / Where people divorce the most?!

Good morning!
Right now I’m in
one of the most romantic countries
in the world
The Maldives
This is where a lot of people
come for their honeymoon
to celebrate their marriage
But little do they know でもほとんどの人が知らない
that this is the place with the
rate 離婚率が世界で一番高い
in the world
In this conservative nation 保守的な国
people divorce and marry each other
more than anywhere else
There are many reasons why 理由はたくさんある
but here it seems like
it’s not a big deal if you’re divorced 離婚しても大した問題じゃない
There is no stigma 汚名
around it.
And bad marriages
end with little consequences さほど重要じゃない
In other countries divorce is a
big deal 他の国では大問題。
Taboo 禁止されていたり、違法
or even
and it hurts women more than men 男性より女性が傷つく
The Maldives has many issues たくさん問題がある
and they definitely do not have it all figured out まだ全部が解決されていない。
But at least here if you’re
a man or a woman
and your marriage isn’t working 結婚生活がうまく行かないなら、
you don’t have to spend your life
trying to make it work うまくいくように努力する必要はない。
That’s 1 minute…
See you tomorrow.


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