Nas Daily / The $1 microscope

Nas Daily / The $1 microscope

The guys you see next to me
have invented the most amazing thing 発明した
that will blow your mind 度肝を抜くもの
Hi, I’m Jim.
Hi, I’m Manu.
But first let me tell you what the problem is まず最初に問題が何かを言います
Imagine you live in a poor country 貧しい国に住んで
and you wanna drink water 水が飲みたい
but the problem is
this cup of water is full of billions of tiny, tiny monsters 無数の小さな怪物が住んでいる
Some of them are good 良いもの悪いものも
and some are bad
So if you drink this water
you might get a disease 水を飲めば病気になるだろう
Because a lot of these bad monsters in your water
can only be seen
by a microscope that costs $2,000 2千ドルの顕微鏡でしか見れない
And for that amount of money その金額では
most people cannot afford to see the microscopic world 殆どの人が極小の世界を見ることが出来ません
And that’s where these guys come in to solve この二人が小さな怪物問題を解決のためやってきた
the tiny monster problem
Manu and Jim at Stanford University
came up with a unique invention ユニークな発明を持ってきた
They made a microscope
that’s 1,000 times cheaper! 千倍安い顕微鏡。
because it’s made of paper! 紙で出来ているので
Yes, paper!
You get this paper
fold it just like Origami 折り紙のように折って
assemble it やすやすと組み立て
and just like that
you have a microscope 顕微鏡が手に入る。
That allows you to see objects それで見ることが出来る
a 140 to 1,000 times bigger! 140倍から千倍でかく見ることが出来る
than they actually are
do you see that little mite? ダニ
So with this microscope
bacteria in the kitchen sink looks like this バクテリア
A baby starfish looks like this 赤ちゃんのヒトデのように
The heart of an insect looks like this 心臓はこんな風に
And even the sand of a flower pot
you have in your back yard looks like this
This became a window to a whole new universe これは全く新しい世界への窓です
This microscope is so durable
it can survive a punch
it can survive physical damage
water damage
and even a drop from a building
It’s the only microscope in the world that can survive that!
But the best part is the price.
This thing, costs $1 to make
One dollar
For that amount of money they were able to make
half a million microscopes
and send them all around the world
to kids and adults alike
who are now able to see
a whole new universe
that they couldn’t see before!
Oh my god.
So I woke up today and I checked my phone
And I saw this picture
of a village in Tamil Nadu, India
of kids opening these pouches
and exploring their microscopic world around them
and this happens every single day
And it gets even better!
In the future if you’re a doctor
in a remote poor area
You could get a version these microscopes
and be able to detect on the spot
diseases like rabies
and malaria
without having to buy
a $1,500 microscope!
Because it’s very important to make science affordable
and accessible to everyone around the world
This piece of paper deserves all the attention
because it can help thousands of doctors
inspire millions of kids
and even save lives.
We’re trying
Share their work


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