Nas Daily / The Gossip game

Nas Daily / The Gossip game

Hi. Let’s play a game.
I’m going to whisper one thing to my friend つぶやく
“My girlfriend and I are having problems”
And my friend is going to do his best
to pass the same message forward 同じメッセージを次に伝える
one by one
to reach everyone in this human chain 〔手をつないでつくった〕人間の鎖
But by the end of it
something crazy happens!
My original whisper changes
Oh my gosh!
“Your girlfriend cheated on you?!” 裏切って浮気をした
This is the telephone game 伝言ゲーム
It’s a game that show you exactly
how gossip works うわさがどうなるか
Where anything you say to anyone
will be modified 修正される
You say something to a friend
but your friend will say it differently
Because of human error 人の間違いによって
“They’re about to break up!” 分かれそう
Human bias 偏見
His girlfriend left him!  彼のもとを去った
Or because of human lies うそ
“His girlfriend cheated on him!”
No way! とんでもない
And in no time すぐに
the fake message will spread around like wild fire 原野火災のように広まる
and lose its accuracy 正確性を失って
“My girlfriend and I are having problems”
The telephone game
is just a game for kids 単なる子供のゲーム
but the idea behind it is very important でもその背後に
for example
At work. 職場では
In the Nas Daily team
Agon wants something
Alyne understands something else
and asks Franco
for something entirely different
and before you know it… 気づく前に
Nobody knows who does what. 誰が何をしたかわからなくなる
At home 家では
Traditions are passed 伝統が受け継がれる
from one generation to another
verbally 口頭で
how to cook
how to marry
how to live
But with each passing generation
we forget that things get distorted 誤り伝えたことを忘れる
So our grandparents
might not have said exactly 正確に言ったことではないかも
what we think they said! 彼らが言ったと思うこと
And even
If you look at this objectively 客観的に
religious texts were passed around
from generation to generation
for thousands of years
and were translated
to 200 different languages
to billions of people
If these guys
couldn’t keep one sentence accurate 1つの文章さえ正しく伝えられなかった
in a 10 minute game
Then how can religion?!
This isn’t to say religion is false
this isn’t to say your friends are liars
This is to say
that humans are humans
and they make mistakes
We can’t live our lives
based on a “he said”, “she said”
based on gossip
or based on 2,000 years old words
because more often than not しばしば
the original words have changed もとの言葉は
“Your girlfriend cheated on you?!”
And the closer we get
to the original source 元の情報に近づけば
The closer we get 近づくほど、真実にたどり着けます
to the truth.
See you next week.


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