ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/1/29(月)関連記事-米大統領選候補者選び トランプ氏好発進
Donald Trump wins Iowa caucuses
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 17:22
Former US President Donald Trump has won the Iowa caucuses. This is the first vote in the nationwide contest to choose the Republican Party’s candidate for this year’s presidential election.
Trump spoke to his supporters, asking them to vote. He said, “This is the beginning of something very important. I think it’s the most important election in the history of our country.”
In the US presidential election, the Democratic and Republican parties hold caucuses and primaries in states across the country to select their presidential candidates for the November vote.
The opening contest in the Midwestern state of Iowa is said to have huge implications for the overall race.
Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are among the other Republican candidates.
Trump is facing indictments in four separate cases as he tries to reclaim the White House. There have also been legal attempts in some states to strip him of his eligibility to join the primaries.
Despite that, polls done before the Iowa caucuses showed Trump enjoying a comfortable lead over other Republican hopefuls.
The party is set to hold a primary race in New Hampshire next week.
ドナルド・トランプ前アメリカ大統領がアイオワ州党員集会で勝利した。 これは、今年の大統領選挙の共和党候補者を選ぶ全国規模の選挙戦での最初の投票となる。
トランプ氏は支持者らに投票するよう呼びかけた。 同氏は「これは非常に重要なことの始まりだ。我が国の歴史の中で最も重要な選挙だと思う」と述べた。
トランプ大統領はホワイトハウスの奪還を目指し、4件の別々の事件で起訴されている。 一部の州では同氏の予備選への参加資格を剥奪しようとする法的な試みもあった。