基礎英語2 24/1/29(月) W4-D1 Communication

基礎英語2 24/1/29(月) W4-D1 Communication
I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

January Week4 – D1 Communication
Weekly Goal 悩みの相談にのる
(It seems like Jenny is having some troubles.)
-First Listen. Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
(What is Jenny’s problem?)

-Let’s check the answers.
I sometimes find it difficult to get along with our Japanese classmates.

-Words & Phrases
direct 遠慮のない、 率直な、 直接的な ( → Today’s Word)
《動・形・副》dərékt 《形》dáirekt
all of a sudden = suddenly 突然
get along with -, 〜とうまくやる
complain about -, 〜について不平を言う
tend to -, 〜しがちである
care about -, 〜を気にかける

-Second Listen
Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 What does Jenny sometimes find it difficult to do?
2 Does Jenny think that Haruna gives her honest opinion?

What would you say if you were Jenny?
I would say, “I’m happy we get along.” 仲良く出来て嬉しいよ
I would say, “Maybe so.” そうかも

Do you think so? (そうかな?)
You might be right. (そうかもしれない。)
Am I overthinking this? (考えすぎているかな?) overthink 〜を考えすぎる

Anya, I feel like we have the same style.
Yeah, our clothes are always matching. Sensei, you should match with us.
OK. Let’s all wear pink next week.
See you.


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