英会話 time trial 24/3/20(水) D13「生八ツ橋」という食べ物をご存じですか?

英会話 time trial 24/3/20(水) D13「生八ツ橋」という食べ物をご存じですか?
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and you’ll improve.
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We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial.

Let’s get started with Day 13 for the month of March. Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi.
And I’m Jenny Skidmore. Thanks for joining us. Today we’ll practice this useful questions.
何々、誰々をご存知ですか? Now you might think it’s “Do you know -?” But there is another phrase, besides “Do you know -?”
And it’s very important for communication.
We’ll also practice the phrase, 〜を思い出します. Let’s try together.
All right. Let’s begin with our first time trial.
Day 13 SPR Training
I’ll say it in Japanese, and you’ll try to say it in English. Here is the first one.
Have you ever heard of ~ ? を使って 「~をご存じですか?」と尋ねてみましょう。

1. 「黒澤明」という人をご存じですか?
Let’s check the answer. Have you ever heard of a person named “Kurosawa Akira”?
Do you know “Kurosawa Akira”? Did you say that? Well, “Do you know -?” means 知り合いですか?
So “Have you ever heard of -?”, that’s the best way to say ご存じですか?. Here is the next one.


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