英会話 feel English 24/5/23(木) L21 I thought you said …

英会話 feel English 24/5/23(木) L21 I thought you said …
I thought you said…
-Feel English! 1
認識のズレを確認したいときの I thought you said …
Today Thelma is up early and ready to go for a walk with Emily and Emily’s mother, but…
朝、 テルマはエミリーたちと一緒に散歩に行こうと張り切ってリビングにやってきましたが・・・・
(n the morning, Thelma came to the living room, eager to go for a walk with Emily and her family. )

sleepy head ねぼすけさん、眠そうな人

We already went. Mom took a shower and is making breakfast.
What? I thought you said seven o’clock.

Feel English!2
「話が違う!」と言いたいときの I thought you said …
Olivia is checking her online dating app.
(Emily and Olivia are having a drink at their favorite bar. Olivia is checking her online dating app on her phone.)

for oneself
worth a try 試す価値がある

Maybe I should download the app for myself.
I thought you said you don’t like online dating!
I know, but maybe it’s worth a try.


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