英会話 feel English 24/4/9(火) L4 big deal

英会話 feel English 24/4/9(火) L4 big deal
big deal は、文字どおりの意味と裏の意味を使い分けるのがポイントです。
-Feel English!1
「気にしないでいいよ」と伝えたいときの, It’s no big deal.
Thelma and Shawn’s new boss, Maya had a new system installed and they are finding it difficult to use.
(Thelma and Shawn are still getting used to the new system Maya has introduced.)

budget meeting
No way.

-Feel it!
Wait .Oh, no! I sent the wrong data for the budget meeting!
It’s no big deal. Just talk to Maya.

It’s no big deal.

(Shawn and Thelma are still getting used to the system introduced by their newly arrived boss, Maya.)
ショーンが「間違ったデータを送ってしまった」と大慌て。 でもテルマは、「社内ミーティング用の資料だし、 報告しとけばいいだけの話でしょ」(Shawn was in a panic, saying, “I sent the wrong data. But Thelma said, “It’s just a document for an internal meeting, and we just have to report it.)

-Feel English!2
「それがどうしたの?」と相手に反発したいときの Big deal!
Emily is relaxing in the living room, when Thelma angrily walks in.
(Emily is relaxing in the living room when Thelma enters angrily with a bag of chips she has just eaten.)

compliment ほめ言葉


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