23/8/26 海外ドラマ「フレンズ」で英会話!Study English with FRIENDS#173

23/8/26 海外ドラマ「フレンズ」で英会話!Study English with FRIENDS#173

What happened to you?
Why didn’t you come up?


You just finished?

l wanted to be thorough.

This is clearly very important to you. To us.
l wanted to read every word carefully.

Does it?

l’m sorry?

Does it?

Does it? Does it?

l wanted to give that whole ”Does it?” part another glance.

What do you mean? You said you read it twice.

lt either does or doesn’t.
lf you have to think–

No, l don’t have to think about it.
ln fact…

…l’ve decided. l have decided…

…that it…



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