英会話仙人トモヤさん 22/05/26/ 保存版!死ぬ前に後悔する5つのこと

英会話仙人トモヤさん 22/05/26/ 保存版!死ぬ前に後悔する5つのこと | 英会話を学ぼう

What is the number 1 thing
people regret before they die?
And this study is made by, uh a nurse
that was, uh, taking care of, like, patients at an old,
What do you call those?
Um, retirement homes.
Nursing homes.
Yes, nursing homes.
Starting at number 5,
I wish I had let myself be happy.
Let yourself be more happier.
Number 4 is,
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Many have become so caught up in their own lives
that they had let go of the golden friendships.
Number 3, we have
I wish I had, uh, the courage to express my feelings.
Number 2,
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
That is powerful right there.
‘Cause the whole , right.
The whole thing with this is, like,
they lost time with their, uh,
loved ones and family members
‘Cause they got caught up on the hard work,
hard work, hard work.
That they disconnect from relationships, right?
And this study is made by, uh a nurse
study 研究、論文
that was, uh, taking care of, like, patients at an old,
take care of 〜を世話する
Nursing homes.
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
stay in touch with -, 〜と連絡を保つ
Many have become so caught up in their own lives
so A that B とてもAなのでBである
caught up in -, 〜に捕らわれる、夢中になる
that they had let go of the golden friendships.
let go of -, 〜を手放す
golden 貴重な、素晴らしい
I wish I had, uh, the courage to express my feelings.
courage 勇気
express 〜を表す、伝える
I wish -. 〜であればいいな。
‘Cause they got caught up on the hard work,
‘Cause = Coz = Because
That they disconnect from relationships, right?
disconnect from -, 〜から切り離す、から絶つ
relationship 人間関係、恋愛関係


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