英会話 time trial 24/5/24(金) D15 長距離列車で偶然の再会

英会話 time trial 24/5/24(金) D15 長距離列車で偶然の再会
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day15 for the month of May.
Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi.
And, I’m Catherine Lealand.
Let’s finish up our journey around New Zealand with this.
– around the 対話カラオケ Around the Pacific!
Imagine this.
You’re finishing a luxury train trip around New Zealand. And on the train you run into me.
We’re going back to the cruise ship. And I’ll ask you how many more stops to Auckland.
And I have questions about Japanese trains, too.
And then, you can see…
Are you ready to talk to me on the train?
Ready. Start.

同じクルーズ船で旅行している人と、 長距離列車の車内で偶然出会います。
終点までどのくらいかかるか聞かれるので、 到着時刻などを伝えましょう。
日本の列車について話していると、 富士山に似た美しい山が見えてきます
(You may run into someone traveling on the same cruise ship on a long-distance train.
They ask you how long it will take to get to the end of the line, and you tell them your arrival time.
As we talk about trains in Japan, we see a beautiful mountain that looks like Mt. Fuji.)


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