ラジオ英会話 24/3/5(火)L222 会話の原則10流れ-興味を示す 2-あいづちを打つ

ラジオ英会話 24/3/5(火)L222 会話の原則10流れ-興味を示す 2-あいづちを打つ
Hmm, our generation is more like Nagisa no Sinbad than the pyramids.
Um, sensi, only “do” is the same.
(What should I do?)
Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
「ド」 And I’m David Evans. Okay, guys. Let’s get to it.

L222 会話の原則10流れ-興味を示す 2-あいづちを打つ
They were talking about pyramids.
Were they?
会話の「流速」を上げるには 「あいづち」 も効果的。 ここでは簡単な「あいづち疑問文」 に慣れておきましょう。
散歩から戻ってきた異星人ゼイトクスが、 マサミと話しています。
(The alien Zeitokus has returned from a walk and is talking with Masami.)

-Words & Phrases
mobile phone 携帯電話
care 気にかける、気にする
guess たぶん〜だと思う
come from -, 〜によってもたらされる、~に由来する
That’s why -. それが〜の理由です。

Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. Now this type of conversation is kind of like playing ball between two people. So, imagine when you’re practicing, you’ve just received the ball and you wanna continue the flow, okay?
All right. For each of these, we’ll give you a sentence and then we’ll practice the reply together. So, this first one is for “I can drive you home. “All right? Let’s practice our reply.


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