ラジオ英会話 23/12/21(木)L174発言タイプ:これから⑥ 決める5,尻込みする相手を鼓舞する

ラジオ英会話 23/12/21(木)L174発言タイプ:これから⑥ 決める5,尻込みする相手を鼓舞する
(Well, you need to get used to pronouncing place names. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate by saying the name of a place in Japanese.)
This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans.

Vienna [viénə] (米国英語), [vi:ˈenʌ] (英国英語)
Munich [mjúːnik]
Connecticut [kənétikət]
It’s now or never.
このレッスンでは、尻込みしている相手を鼓舞する言い回しを学びましょう。「今でしょ?」など、日本語でも時折使われますね。(In this lesson, you’ll learn phrases to encourage someone who is feeling hesitant. It is sometimes used in Japanese as well, such as “Now, right?”)

高校教師のジェッツ先生とスミス先生。 冬休みの計画について話しているようですよ。
(High school teachers Mr. Jetts and Mr. Smith. It looks like you’re talking about your winter vacation plans.)
-Words & Phrases
winter break 冬休み
now or never 今でなければチャンスは二度とない

Well, it’s time to practice. Many of these sentences are set phrases. So try to memorize them as such, so that you can easily take them out and use them in your conversations.
All right, it’s time to practice. If not now, when? Okay, here’s our first.

Hey, guys. I ate an ice cream and I’m already regretting it.
Hmm? Regretting eating the ice cream or making that resolution?
Ice cream!


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