ラジオ英会話 24/3/25(月) Knock on wood

ラジオ英会話 24/3/25(月) Knock on wood
“Knock on wood” is a phrase commonly used in English-speaking cultures, particularly in Western countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. It is often said when someone wants to express a hope that a positive situation will continue or that they won’t experience bad luck. The phrase is usually followed by a light tapping or knocking on a wooden surface, like a desk or a door.

The origins of the phrase are uncertain, but it likely stems from ancient superstitions or folklore. One theory is that it originated from pagan beliefs that spirits or gods lived in trees, so knocking on wood would invoke their protection or blessings. Another theory suggests that it may have originated from the Christian practice of touching wooden crosses for good luck or protection.

Regardless of its origins, “knock on wood” has become a common expression used colloquially to ward off bad luck or to express a desire for good fortune to continue. It’s often used humorously or casually in conversation.

“knock on wood “は英語圏、特にアメリカやイギリスなどの欧米諸国でよく使われるフレーズである。ポジティブな状況が続くように、あるいは不運に見舞われないようにという願いを込めるときによく使われる。このフレーズは通常、机やドアのような木の表面を軽くたたいたり、ノックしたりした後に続く。




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