英会話 feel English 24/4/2-4 基本例文

英会話 feel English 24/4/2-4 基本例文

友達と旅先で散策中、 雲行きが怪しくなってきて、、、
(I was out exploring with a friend on a trip when the clouds began to look a little grim.)

Oh! I think it’s starting to rain!
It’s a good thing we have our umbrellas!

(I was spoken to by locals during my trip.)

How is your hotel?
It’s not bad. The good thing is it’s really close to the station.
That’s good!

旅先で散策中に雨が降ってきましたが、 あなたと友達は傘を持っていません。
(It’s raining while you’re out exploring on your trip, but you and your friends don’t have umbrellas.)

Oh! I think it’s starting to rain!
Too bad we didn’t bring our umbrellas.
Yeah. Come on, let’s go inside!

友達とサッカー観戦。 それぞれ別のチームを応援しています。
(Watching a soccer game with friends. We each cheer for different teams.)

Oh, no! My team lost again!
Too bad! My team is just too strong.
Hey! That’s bad sportsmanship.

(In a taxi heading to the airport.)
Are you in a hurry?
Yes. I need to get there in time for boarding.
I know a shortcut!

最近、 彼女に振られた友達の話を聞いています。
(I’m listening to a friend of mine who was recently dumped by her girlfriend.)
I’m so heartbroken.
It will get easier in time.
I hope so.


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