ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/5/15(水)-関連記事-米大学でイスラエルへの抗議デモ拡大

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/5/15(水)-関連記事-米大学でイスラエルへの抗議デモ拡大
Protesters and police clash on U.S. campuses

Students, police clash on US campuses over Gaza
Thursday, April 25, 8:30

Protesters have been shattering the calm on university campuses across the US. Many pro-Palestinian students demanded on Wednesday that administrators end financial ties to Israel and to weapons manufacturers. Others are counter-protesting.

Columbia University in New York has taken center stage in the demonstrations. Protestors have been camping on the university grounds for more than a week.

Police have already made more than 100 arrests and have warned the demonstrators to dismantle their tents within the next few days.

Administrators have moved many in-person classes online to prioritize “safety.” Protesters, however, say their demonstrations have been peaceful.

One student who was arrested said she thinks Columbia University has “truly traumatized” her and her classmates and is “threatening police sweeps.”

Some lawmakers have labeled the protesters as “antisemitic mobs.” The speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, met with Jewish students on Wednesday. He said they are living “in fear.”
デモ参加者を “反ユダヤ的暴徒 “とレッテルを貼る議員もいる。マイク・ジョンソン下院議長は水曜日にユダヤ人学生と面会した。彼は、彼らは “恐怖の中で “生活していると述べた。

Johnson added, “If the threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guard.”
ジョンソン下院議長はさらに、”脅迫と威嚇が止められないのであれば、州兵の出動は適切な時期である “と述べた。

He also called on university president Minouche Shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to what he called “chaos.”

また、ミヌーシュ・シャフィク学長に対し、彼が “カオス “と呼ぶ事態に直ちに秩序をもたらすことができないのであれば、辞任するよう求めた。


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