中高生の基礎英語 in English 24/3/14(木)T24-D4 What is your ideal life, and what do you need to live it?

中高生の基礎英語 in English 24/3/14(木)T24-D4 What is your ideal life, and what do you need to live it?
Topic 24 What is your ideal life, and what do you need to live it? Day 4

= all the time
to communicate with somebody
Buddha statue
something that belongs to someone
one of the parents is Italian
a piece of music with three or four parts
Ludwig van Beethoven; German composer and pianist in the 18-19th century
one of the main parts of a piece of classical music
to continue, to endure
to understand
the feeling or mood of a place or situation
in a way that is correct and true in every detail

♪ Topic 24: What is your ideal life, and what do you need to live it? Day 4.
Today, we’ll be sharing the thoughts that you listeners have sent us.
Ooh, this is going to be interesting.

We’ll start with people who wrote about their future jobs. The first one is from Kasio in Gunma. Kasio says…
My ideal life is to become an astrophysicist. In the future, I want to solve questions about the universe, such as why the universe exists. To achieve my dream, I need to constantly question and learn about space. Learning English is also one of the important things to do in order to interact with physicists from many countries.

A big dream.
Yes, it is. An astrophysicist is someone who studies stars and other objects in space. I think this is a fine description of an ideal life, written by, perhaps, a future great scientist.

Okay. Here’s the next one: Sakku in Hokkaido says…
My ideal life is to become a pâtissier in the future. To achieve my dream, I’ll need to practice making sweets, because making good sweets is important to become a pâtissier. I have made a mistake making sweets for my family before. I needed to put in sugar, but I put in salt! So, I thought I want my family and many people to become happy to eat my delicious sweets.

It’s so cute.
Instead of sugar. Oops.
That’s easy to do, though. They look the same.
Yes. I also made the mistake in the past. So, I know how it tastes.
Riku, we all know you like sweets. What do you think of Sakku’s thoughts?
Oh. I want to go to Sakku’s shop.
Oh, yes.
Yes. Good. I’ll go with you.

All right. Let’s continue. Ushizawa Reito in Tokyo says…
My ideal life is to be a Japanese history teacher in junior high school because I love Japanese history, and I started studying Japanese history when I was eight years old. I don’t think history is about memorization ability. In studying a subject, enjoying is the most important. So, I want to tell students about this when I become a teacher.


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