ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/4/12(金)トムさんのトーク-日本漫画 外国語海賊版サイトの被害深刻

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/4/12(金)トムさんのトーク-日本漫画 外国語海賊版サイトの被害深刻
Manga industry calls for action to tackle overseas piracy

five times as – as
five times the traffic
Right. Five times the traffic of something is kind of a compact refined way of saying five times as much traffic as something.
なるほど、 five times the traffic コンパクトな表現みたいな

a cat‐and‐mouse game

漫画が manga 、外国語でも一般的になっているのですか?
Very much so. You might see manga translated as comics. But there are some differences between the two. In the U.S at least comics tend to be printed in color, come in magazine type formats and feature a lot of dialogue and action. In that sense, manga and comics are very different things.

bad money drives out good (money) 「悪貨は良貨を駆逐する」
soft power 「ソフトパワー」

You might see “manga” translated as “comics,” but there are some differences between the two. In the U.S., at least, “comics” tend to be printed in color, come in magazine-type formats and feature a lot of dialogue and fast pacing. In that sense, “manga” and “comics” are very different things.

Remember this part. “1,200 sites were offering pirated titles.” Here’s the newscaster said “twelve hundred” instead of “one thousand, two hundred.”
Well, for numbers in the thousands, especially up to 5,000 or so, people sometimes use hundred instead of thousand for two main reasons: first, “twelve hundred” is shorter than “one thousand, two hundred.” Second, if you compare the first words of the phrases — “twelve” versus “one” — “twelve” is bigger, so it kind of emphasizes the large size of the number.
(そうですね、千の位の数字、特に最大 5,000 程度までの数字の場合、主に 2 つの理由から、千の代わりに 100 が使われることがあります。まず、「12 百」は「1200」より短いからです。(“twelve hundred” is shorter than “one thousand, two hundred.”)


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