ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/2/23,23/12/22(金)関連記事 -忠犬ハチ公生誕100年で秋田犬が集合

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/12/22(金)関連記事 -忠犬ハチ公生誕100年で秋田犬が集合
Akita dogs walk on Shibuya street to mark 100 years since birth of Hachiko
Saturday, Dec. 2, 18:51

Dozens of “Akita Inu” dogs were paraded along a road in Tokyo’s Shibuya ward to celebrate 100 years since the birth of Hachiko — a male Akita that became famous for its loyalty.

Hachiko was born in 1923 and lived with his owner in Shibuya. The canine used to wait for its master to return from work each day at Shibuya Station even after he died.
ハチ公は 1923 年に生まれ、飼い主とともに渋谷に住んでいました。 その犬は、主人が亡くなった後も毎日渋谷駅で仕事から帰るのを待っていました。

On Saturday, about 40 Akita dogs and their owners from around the country gathered in Shibuya for an event organized by the Akita Inu Preservation Society based in Odate City, Akita Prefecture. The city was the birthplace of Hachiko.
土曜日、秋田県大館市に拠点を置く秋田犬保存協会が主催するイベントに、全国から約40人の秋田犬とその飼い主が渋谷に集まった。 同市はハチ公発祥の地。

The dogs and their owners set out for a walk at around 2 p.m. along a one-kilometer route between the Shibuya ward office and Shibuya Station.
犬と飼い主は午後2時ごろ散歩に出発した。 渋谷区役所と渋谷駅の間の約1キロメートルの路線。

They walked for around one hour, attracting a crowd of people who wanted to get a glimpse of the dogs and take their photos.

Although a little nervous at first, the canines gradually warmed to the crowd and some even did tricks.

A man who came from Gunma Prefecture with his 2-year-old Akita said that he loves his dog which he said is fiercely loyalty. He said everyone agreed that his dog was cute and that the gathering will make for a good memory.
2歳の秋田犬を連れて群馬県から来た男性は、愛犬が大好きで忠誠心が強いと話した。 彼の犬はかわいかったし、この集まりは良い思い出になるだろうと誰もが同意したと彼は語った。

An admirer of the Akita breed said that she felt comforted when she first touched the dogs’ fluffy hair and that she will show her friends the video she took of the dog parade.


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