基礎英語2 24/3/13(水)W2-D3 Goodbye Party

基礎英語2 24/3/13(水)W2-D3 Goodbye Party
I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

March week 2 – Goodbye Party Day3
(Kenta and his friends show Leo a video featuring their juniors and teachers.)

-First Listen. Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
動画の中で、 社会科の三原先生は、レオはどのような人だと言っていますか?
(In the video, what kind of person does social studies teacher Mihara say Leo is?)

-First Listen.
You’re a real history buff.

-Words & Phrases
welcome 〔人が〕~するのを快く思う
enjoyable 楽しい
one-on-one 一対一の
a person who knows a lot about and is very interested in a particular subject:
well-prepared 準備万端な

-Second Listen. Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 When did Leo help his kohai with shooting?
2 What did Leo ask Ms. Sato about?


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