中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/11(月) T18-D1 Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/11(月) T18-D1 Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?
Topic 18 Is there a part of your personality that you want to change? Day 1
1日目は、 トピックに関する単語や表現を学びましょう。
(On the first day, learn vocabulary and expressions related to the topic.)
今週のトピックについて、 今のあなたの考えを書いてみましょう。(Write down your current thoughts about this week’s topic.)
Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?
イラストを見ながら今週のダイアログを聴き、 おおまかな内容を理解しましょう。
(Listen to this week’s dialogue while looking at the illustrations to understand the general content.)
-New Words, New Phrases
(These are words and expressions that are key to understanding the dialogue.
Check the box if you understand the meaning and usage.)
work in –
in the meantime

-Conversation Strategy
会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は「強く否定したいときの表現」です。 いずれ
も友だちや家族など親しい人にだけ使うようにしましょう。Learn useful expressions to keep the conversation going. This time it’s an expression used when you want to strongly deny something. Please only use this with close people such as friends and family.)
とてもくだけた 「いいえ」の言い方です。 発音のコツは語尾のイントネーションを上げることです。
(It’s a very informal way of saying “no.” The trick to pronunciation is to raise the intonation at the end of the word.)
Forget it.
No way. Don’t even think about it. と同じ意味で、「そんなことは考えないで」と相手の話を強く否定したいときに使います。(“Don’t think about that” is used when you want to strongly deny what the other person is saying.)

3人のトークから、どんな単語や表現が聴き取れましたか? 書いてみましょう。
(What words and expressions did you hear from the three people’s talks? Write them down.)

to wear a particular type of clothes
the ability to use your eyes
to go well with
reflect light
= (glasses) look like they are shining in the light
take off
to remove; the opposite of “put on”
a person who you do not know

Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is: Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?
Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?
Riku, do you know the word “personality”?
“Personality.” Similar to “character”?
Good answer. “Similar to ‘character.”” Your personality is all the things about you that make you you.
Right. The way that you think, the way you feel, the way you act.
The things you like and don’t like, maybe even the way you dress.
Yeah. All the things that together make you who you are as a person. That’s your personality.
So, for example, if we’re talking about Ken’s personality, we could say that he loves playing video games.
Oh, yes. Riku, what else can we say about Ken’s personality?
Ken doesn’t like math.
Oh, that’s true.
That’s right.
And I think Ken is very honest.
Mmm. I agree. And maybe he’s also a little lazy.
In other words, he doesn’t like to work much.
We all may have parts of our personalities that we like.
But also some other parts that we might wish were different.
So, the question is: Is there a part of your personality that you want to change?
Riku, on Day 5, you’ll answer that question.
It’s difficult.
You can do it! Now, let’s look at this week’s dialogue. A few months ago, Mika and Dad had a conversation about her eyes.
Yes. Mika asked Dad to buy some things that would make her eyesight better.
Dad told Mika that he would buy these things if she went to see an eye doctor. They made a deal.
Right. Now, Mika is visiting Dr. Kodama, an eye doctor.

-Dialogue 1st Listen


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