中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/4(月) T17-D1 Should you study outside of school?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/4(月) T17-D1 Should you study outside of school?
T17-D1 Should you study outside of school? Day 1
cram school

-Conversation Strategy
会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は「提案や申し出に対して、 断るときの表現」
です。(Learn useful expressions to keep the conversation going. This time, we will talk about “expressions used when refusing a proposal or offer.’)
thanks を使うことで、 感謝を示しつつ、ていねいに断ることができます。
Thanks, but no thanks.
Thank you, but no thank you. と同じ意味で、
自分が欲しくないものにお礼を言う表現です。 しばしばユーモラスに使われます。
(This is an expression to express gratitude for something you don’t want. Often used humorously.)
No, but thanks, anyway.
Thank you for your offer, even though my answer is “no.” と同じ意味で、
「お申し出はありがたいですが、答えは “いいえ” です (お断りします)」と言いたいときに使います。
Thanks, anyway.
Thank you for your idea, even though it didn’t work out. と同じ意味で、
提案や申し出を受け入れなかった場合でも、 お礼を言いたいときに使います。
3人のトークから、 どんな単語や表現が聴き取れましたか? 書いてみましょう。
(Used when you want to express your gratitude even if you have not accepted a proposal or offer.
What words and expressions did you hear from the three people’s talks? Write them down.)

study that you do on your own, without a teacher
entrance examination
a test to determine if a person can join a school, university, etc.
a little
something that is very bad and disappointing
completely, absolutely
a long race made up of swimming, cycling, and running
showing that you think about and care for other people
thoughtful, kind

-♪ Topic 17, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic.
The topic question this week is: Should you study outside of school?
“Should you study outside of school?” What does that mean?
Riku, when you hear the words “study outside of school,” what do you think of?
Mmm. Homework.
Yeah. Homework is work that you do at home. In other words, “outside of school.”
Yes. Another way to study outside of school is self-study – when you decide to study, even though it’s not homework.

Right. You might review the textbook, for example, or read through your notes.
You might even look on the Internet to learn more about something.
Yeah. The question is: Should you study outside of school?
Some people think that if you pay attention and study hard at school all day, you should not need to study more outside of school.
Riku, on Day 5, you’ll share your opinion and explain your reasons.
Now, let’s look at this week’s dialogue. Last time, Mika and Ken were talking in the kitchen late at night.
Yes. They were talking about going after your dream or being realistic.
Right. Their conversation continues. Let’s listen.


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