中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/6(水)T17-D3 Should you study outside of school?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/12/6(水)T17-D3 Should you study outside of school?
Should you study outside of school?
Q1. According to Mika, how could Ken try to learn math for free?
Q2. In Mika’s opinion, how could Ken learn math without even feeling like he’s studying?
Q3. Do you prefer to study with friends or by yourself? Why?

-What would you say?
Topic: Should you study outside of school?
→ 「学校以外でも勉強したほうがいいと思う場合」に使えるフレーズをご紹介します。 Yes. に続け
For some subjects, maybe I need to study more.
「(苦手な科目、 成績が悪い科目があるので) 家でもっと勉強しなくては」と言いたい場合に使います。
Different ways of studying may help me understand better.
塾や家庭教師など、 学校とは違った方法で学ぶと、より理解しやすくなると思っている場合に使います。
Extra effort can make a difference.
「一生懸命、 勉強すれば、 結果が違ってくる (成績がよくなる)」 と言いたい場合に使います。

-学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Should you study outside of school?

-Open-ended Question
(Mika says that different ways of studying may help you understand better.) Do you agree with Mika? Can you give an example from your own experience?

hang out
to spend time with someone, usually relaxing
by yourself
good point
= I agree with you
make a difference
to make a situation better
to make someone feel less tired

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first one: According to Mika, how could Ken try to learn math for free?
According to Mika, how could Ken try to learn math for free?
He watches online videos.
“He could watch online videos.” Okay. Let’s listen to what Mika said.

The answer is: He could watch online math videos.
He could watch online math videos.
All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer like this: Ken could watch online math videos for free.
Ken could watch online math videos for free.
Now, let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

So, here’s the question: In Mika’s opinion, how could Ken learn math without even feeling like he’s studying?
He could study with his friends.
Very nice. Well said. So, the answer is: By learning from a friend. If you said, “By learning from a friend who is good at math and he wants to spend time with,” that’s great, too.
All right, everyone. Let’s try saying the answer like this: By learning from a friend. Very good. And
Riku, your answer was perfect.
Thank you.
If Ken learns from a friend, he’ll be having fun. So, it won’t feel like studying. It might just feel like he’s
hanging out with that friend.
That’s right. So, here’s the next question: Do you prefer to study with friends or by yourself? Why?
Do you prefer to study with friends or by yourself? Why?
I prefer to study by myself because I can concentrate.
Oh. You concentrate better when you study by yourself.
Yeah. When you’re with friends, maybe you’re laughing and joking and playing, and you don’t concentrate
so much. But for some people, studying with friends gives them more energy for studying and makes studying more fun. So, that’s good, too.
Good point.


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