英会話 feel English 24/4/2(火) nervous wreck
nervous wreck 精神的に参っている人
a person suffering from stress or emotional exhaustion:
a person who is very worried or nervous about something
a vehicle or ship that has been destroyed or badly damaged:
someone who is in bad physical or mental condition:
If you say that someone is a nervous wreck, you mean that they are extremely nervous or worried about something.
She was a nervous wreck, crying when anyone asked her about her experience.
Before the wedding the bride’s father was a nervous wreck.
An individual suffering from extreme agitation or worry, as in Pat was a nervous wreck until her mother arrived at the wedding. This expression is nearly always used hyperbolically.
パットのように極度の動揺や心配に悩まされている人は、母親が結婚式に到着するまで神経質になっていました。 この表現はほとんどの場合、誇張的に使用されます。