英会話 feel English 24/4/18(木) That’s the point.

英会話 feel English 24/4/18(木) That’s the point.
直訳すると「そこがポイントだ」 ですが、使う感覚が結構難しいです。
-Feel English! 1
「それがいいんだよ」と言いたいときの That’s the point.
A company softball game was held over the weekend, the next day her boss, Maya calls Thelma for a talk.
(The day after the company softball game, Maya calls Thelma into her office.)

make a great manager
That’s the point.

-Feel it!
That sounds like a lot of responsibility.
That’s the point.

マヤはテルマを自分の部屋に呼び出し、 「あなたにはリーダーシップがあるから、マネージャーに向いている」と勧めます。 テルマが少しうれしそうにしつつも「責任重そうですよね」と言うと、 マヤは 「責任が重いからこそやりがいがあるんじゃないの」というキモチで
(Maya calls Thelma to her room and tells her that she is a good manager because of her leadership skills. Thelma looks a little happy and says, “That sounds like a lot of responsibility,” to which Maya replies, “I think it’s the heavy responsibility that makes it worthwhile.)
That’s the point. と言っています。 文脈によって 「それが重要な点」 「そこがいいところ」「だからいいんでしょ」 などと訳せます。

Dialogue 2
Olivia is stressed out. So, Emily takes her along to a yaga class. But yoga seems different to what Olivia was expecting.
(Emily takes Olivia, who is stressed out, out to a yoga class. But Olivia is not too keen on the idea.)

stay focused 集中力を保つ


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