ラジオビジネス英語 24/5/29(水) L31 決算業務を振り返る

ラジオビジネス英語 24/5/29(水) L31 決算業務を振り返る
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.
L31 決算業務を振り返る
Finally, the financial closing operations appear to have drawn to a close. Kaoru and Edwin are discussing what they have learned from the process.
ついに、 決算業務は終わりに近づいたようです。 薫とエドウィンは、このプロセスから学んだことを話し合っています。
draw to a close
-Listening Point
What does Edwin consider an important way to view accounting?
エドウィンは、 会計を見るのに何が重要だと考えていますか?

-OK. Let’s listen to today’s business scene.

-Words and Phrases
total 集計する、合計する
observation 観察
genuine 純粋な、本当の
mutual お互いの、相互の
reassuring 安心させる
dedicate oneself to -, ~に注力する、~に専念する

Jenny, what do you think about this month’s business scenes?
It was a little tense. Kaoru seems to handle everything by the book, but she’s also willing to think outside the box. 中略
Yes, kaoru did have flexibility. She approached problem solving with a positive attitude, avoiding blaming others.

See you next time.


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