ラジオ英会話 24/2/28(水) Stay hungry, stay foolish

ラジオ英会話 24/2/28(水) Stay hungry, stay foolish

“Stay hungry, stay foolish” is a famous phrase that was popularized by Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc. The quote is often associated with a commencement address Jobs delivered at Stanford University in 2005.
「ハングリーであれ、愚かであれ」は、アップル社の共同創設者であるスティーブ・ジョブズによって広められた有名なフレーズです。この言葉は、ジョブズが 2005 年にスタンフォード大学で行った卒業式の演説と関連付けられることがよくあります。

In the speech, Jobs shared his personal experiences and reflections on life, urging the graduating students to pursue their passions and take risks. The specific quote “Stay hungry, stay foolish” encapsulates a couple of key ideas:
このスピーチの中でジョブズは、自身の経験や人生についての考察を語り、卒業する学生たちに情熱を追い求め、リスクを取るよう促した。Stay hungry, stay foolish(ハングリーであれ、愚かであれ)」という具体的な言葉には、いくつかの重要な考え方が凝縮されている:

Stay Hungry: This part of the phrase encourages individuals to remain ambitious, curious, and driven. It suggests that one should maintain a hunger for knowledge, new experiences, and personal growth. It’s a call to stay motivated and not settle for complacency.

Stay Foolish: The “stay foolish” part is an invitation to take risks and not be afraid of making mistakes. It suggests that embracing a certain level of naivety or willingness to take unconventional paths can lead to innovation and personal fulfillment.
Stay Foolish “の部分は、リスクを冒し、失敗を恐れないようにとの呼びかけ。ある程度の素朴さを受け入れること、あるいは型にはまらない道を進んでいくことが、革新と自己実現につながることを示唆している。

Overall, the quote has become a motivational mantra, encouraging people to approach life with a sense of curiosity, a willingness to learn, and the courage to pursue their dreams even when faced with uncertainty or challenges. Jobs himself embodied these principles throughout his career, and the phrase has since resonated with many as an inspirational reminder to embrace curiosity, ambition, and a willingness to take bold, unconventional steps in life.



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