ラジオ英会話 23/12/22(金) L175 Review

ラジオ英会話 23/12/22(金) L175 Review
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday’s lesson.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s get excited.
Listening Challenge!
OK guys, here is the question. Q1). Has Hiroki decided to buy a condominium?
a). No, he decided to buy a new house.
b). No, he hasn’t decided yet.
c). No, he gave up buying a condo.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
1 あなたはとうとう長年の夢を実現するために田舎に引っ越すことに決めました。 友人に電話で伝えてください。
(You have finally decided to move to the countryside to fulfill your lifelong dream. Please call a friend and tell them.)

「こんにちは。何だと思う? 私、田舎に引っ越すことに決めたのよ。 ずっとヤギを飼いたかったの、知ってるでしょう。夢が実現するの。 もう決して戻ってはこないわ」
夢の実現 a dream come true

(“Hello. Guess what? I’ve decided to move to the countryside. You know I’ve always wanted to have goats. It’s a dream come true. I’ll never go back.”)

2 あなたがひそかに恋をしている友人から、引っ越しを決断したという連絡が。決断を喜び、後押ししましょう。
(You receive a call from a friend who you are secretly in love with, informing you that she has decided to move. Enjoy your decision and support it.)

「わぁ、 それは面白そうだね! やってごらん。君の会社は在宅勤務を許すのでしょう? 今に勝る時はないよ。ところで僕はヒツジがとっても好きなんだ。君の家には余分な部屋がある?」

(Wow, that sounds interesting! Give it a try. Will your company allow you to work from home? There’s no time like the present. By the way, I really like sheep. Is there an extra room in your house?)

Hey guys, which do you prefer goats or sheep?
Ah, if I’m on a farm, either is OK really. I’d sit on the fence all day.


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