英会話 feel English 24/2/21(水) L171 I would -.

英会話 feel English 24/2/21(水) L171 I would -.
would は助動詞 will の過去形。「〜だろう」という仮定のキモチがポイントです。
Phrase Rank No.50 -1
「私なら〜するけどね」 とアドバイスしたいときの I would …, if I were you.
Thelma is sitting in the living room quietly. Emily sits down beside her.
(Thelma is sitting on the couch when Emily comes next to her and starts looking at the brochure.)

job fair 合同就職説明会
make some contacts コネができる

-Feel it!
What’s that?
A pamphlet for a job fair.
That’s great!
I don’t know. I might not go.
I would go, if I were you.

I would go, if I were you.


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