ボキャブライダー24/4/19(金)きっかけ、seize つかむ

ボキャブライダー24/4/19(金)きっかけ、seize つかむ
seize つかむ

Seize the day
ラテン語で「Carpe Diem」
「今を生きる」は、原題は「The dead poets’ society(死せる詩人の会)」という映画で、
Robin Williams ロビン・ウィリアムズの台詞。
“Carpe Diem. Seize the days, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”


“The Dead Poets Society” is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir, starring Robin Williams. The story is set in the conservative Welton Academy, an elite all-boys preparatory school in Vermont, in the year 1959. The film revolves around the inspirational English teacher John Keating, played by Williams, who uses unorthodox teaching methods to encourage his students to embrace poetry, literature, and creativity.

Keating introduces his students to the concept of carpe diem, or “seize the day,” encouraging them to live passionately and pursue their dreams. He challenges the traditional values and expectations imposed upon them by society and the school’s administration, urging them to think for themselves and pursue their own paths in life.

The core group of students, inspired by Keating, revive an old club called the Dead Poets Society, where they gather secretly to read and discuss poetry, express themselves creatively, and challenge the status quo. However, their newfound freedom and independence come into conflict with the strict rules and expectations of the school and their families, leading to a series of dramatic events that ultimately test their loyalty to Keating and the ideals he represents.

The film explores themes of individuality, conformity, the power of literature and poetry, the conflict between tradition and innovation, and the transformative impact of a passionate teacher on his students’ lives. “The Dead Poets Society” has become a beloved classic and is remembered for its poignant storytelling, memorable performances, and powerful message about the importance of following one’s dreams and living life to the fullest.






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