基礎英語2 24/1/26(金) W3-D5 Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo)

基礎英語2 24/1/26(金) W3-D5 Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo)
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

January Week 3- Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo) Day5
-Weekly Conversation
Listen to this week’s conversations and answer the following questions in English.
1 Does Leo like to study history?
2 Does Leo remember who will be on the new 10,000 yen bill?

-First Read-through
Read Haruna’s article for the main points.
陽菜が「さくらタイムズ」に記事を書きました。 主なポイントをつかみましょう。
(Haruna wrote an article for “Sakura Times”. Let’s get to the main points.)
1 Who will be on the new 5,000 yen bill?
2 What was founded by Tsuda Umeko?

-Words & Phrases
left Japan, leave Japan
found(ed) 創立する found, founded, founded
improve 〜を改善する、よりよくする(→ Today’s Word)
status 地位、 ステータス
stéitəs | stǽtəs

-Second Read-through
Listen carefully and repeat.


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