基礎英語1 23/12/8(金) L145 L141~144復習

基礎英語1 23/12/8(金) L145 L141~144復習
145 今週の復習
Hi, guys -.  It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have a lot of fun.
And improve our English. Level 1.
Let’s get started.

It’s Friday.
Let’s review this week’s lessons.
OK. Are you ready?
L145 Review
Listen and Remember ストーリーを思い出そう!
First let’s listen to this week’s stories.

-Questions about the Story
1 What was Fiona doing when Kento saw her?
2 Why was Fiona howling at the moon?

-OK. Let’s check the answers.
1 What was Fiona doing when Kento saw her?
2 Why was Fiona howling at the moon?

-Questions about the Story 次の質問に英語で答えましょう。
The answer is -.

-Mr. Honda’s Corner
1). I played tennis when I was young.
2). I was playing tennis when you called me.

1). 過去形は、
過去の状況や習慣的に行ったことを表します。 この例の場合、 若いときにはテニスをしたと、
過去の習慣を表しています。 過去進行形とちがって、動作が続いていることを表しているのではありません。(It represents past situations or things you have done habitually. In this example, if you played tennis when you were young,
It represents past habits. Unlike the past progressive tense, it does not indicate that an action is continuing.)
2). 過去進行形
過去進行形は過去のある時点にしていたことを表します。 この例の場合、 話し相手が電話をくれた過去の時点に、テニスをしていたことを伝えています。(The past continuous tense expresses what you were doing at some point in the past. In this example, you are telling the person you are talking to that you were playing tennis at some point in the past when they called you.)


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