中高生の基礎英語 24/4/3(水)T1-D3Tell us about your name. あなたの名前について教えてください。
Topic1 Tell us about your name.
あなたの名前について教えてください。Day 3
Q1. Why do Makoto’s friends call him Edison?
Q2. What does Edison say about kanji characters?
-What would you say?
Topic Tell us about your name.
What does your name mean? – My name means…
What does that stand for? – It stands for…
「あなたの名前は何を表していますか?」と聞かれ、「私の名前は・・・を表しています」 と答えるときのフレーズです。
例) The letters “kg” stand for “kilogram.”
a group of words that includes a subject and a verb and expresses a complete idea
able to last over a period of time without damaging the environment
ability to think, feel, and imagine things, your way of thinking
ability to remember various things
wrap up
to finish something (for example, a conversation, a project, or a program
tune in
to turn on a radio or TV to listen to or watch a program
-中高生の基礎英語 ♪All:♪ in English! ♪
Hi, everybody, and thank you for being with us. I’m Gary Scott Fine.
Hello, everyone. I’m Hannah Grace. Thank you for joining us today.
Hello, I’m Sumida Moeno. I’m ready to learn more.
We’ll help you!Okay. Let’s start.♪ Topic 1: Tell us about your name. Day 3.
Let’s start by listening to this week’s dialogue.
Vicky and Edison are telling each other about their names.
Now, let’s take a look at what Edison says about his name.
We’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first one: Q1). Why do Makoto’s friends call him Edison?
Q1). Why do Makoto’s friends call him Edison?
Everyone, let’s think together. Moeno?
Because he loves thinking about new ideas like Thomas Edison.
Nice answer. All right. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.
The answer is: Because he loves thinking about new ideas like Thomas Edison. Great answer, Moeno.
Everyone, let’s try saying the answer together. Because he loves thinking about new ideas like Thomas Edison. Mmm. Very good.
Moeno, everyone, try saying the answer in a full sentence. You can start with, “Makoto’s friends call him Edison.” Go ahead.
Makoto’s friends call him Edison because he loves thinking about new ideas like Thomas Edison.
Great job.
Yes. You can say it just like you said it, like this:
Makoto’s friends call him Edison because he loves thinking about new ideas like Thomas Edison.
Great. All right. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.
Okay. So, here’s the question: Q2). What does Edison say about kanji characters?
Q2). What does Edison say about kanji characters? Moeno?
He says, “Every kanji means something.”
Nice. Just one thing. Not “he says (/seiz/).” “He says (/sɛz/).”
He says.
Great. The answer is: Every kanji means something. Or as you said, Moeno, “He says, ‘Every kanji means something.” Great job.
Everyone, let’s practice. Every kanji means something.
Very good.
Moeno, everyone, try saying this in a full sentence. You can start your sentence like this: Edison says…. Go ahead.
Edison says, “Every kanji means something.”
Oh, that’s great.
Great job.
You can also say it like this:
Edison says that every kanji means something.
-What would you say?
Today, we’ll look at some ways to talk about what a name means.
If you want to ask about the meaning of someone’s name, you can ask:
What does your name mean? And you can answer: