ラジオ英会話 24/4/12(金) L10 今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/4/12(金) L10 今週のReview
Hey everyone. It’s Friday. You know that means it’s time for the review. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. That’s right folks, it’s Friday’s review. Let’s get into it.
-Listening Challenge!
OK guys, here is the question. Q1). What will Yayoi and Raj probably do?
a). They will call Jonas.
b). They will go to Mumbai.
c). They will meet in Tokyo.
Here we go.

Q4) Which of the following is true about Nate?
a). He is the man’s former colleague.
b). He was a University student in the nineteen nineties.
c). He is in the man’s family.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
1 あなたの娘のカナが、婚約者の誕生日に料理の腕を振るっています。ちょっと早めに来た彼が、 「カナはどこ?」と尋ねています。 応答してください。(Your daughter, Cana, is cooking for her fiancé’s birthday. He arrives a little early and asks, “Where’s Cana?” he asks. Answer.)
(She’s in the kitchen cooking dinner for you. Smells good, doesn’t it? Why don’t you have a beer? It’ll be a while.”)


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